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Privacy Policy
Please read this Privacy Policy thoroughly. When you use this site you are automatically agreeing that your access to it and your use of it are subject to all applicable laws and to the terms and conditions in this legal notice and are undertaken at your own risk. To ensure your privacy we have instituted procedures to assure you that your private personal information is handled responsibly.
This privacy policy is published to advise you:
What kinds of information we collect
How we handle it and with whom we might share it
What options you have with regard to how we use your private personal information
How you might instruct us in the use of such information
This privacy policy may change from time to time. Therefore, please refer to this page frequently for the most current information.
What We Collect
The private information we collect from you is generally limited to
your property address
your contact phone numbers and emergency contact names and numbers
your payment information which may or may not include your credit card number and billing information
your email address
any other pertinent information so that we might access your home to care for your pets such as alarm codes, gate codes, etc.
How we handle your information and with whom we might share it
We keep your address, email address and contact phone numbers within our secure system. We do not sell them to any third parties. We may use them to communicate with you. Your credit card number and expiration date are transmitted directly to our credit card processing facility at Authorize.net, and is encrypted only showing the last four digits so that no one has access to it. We keep all of your personal information confidential at all times, only accessing it to do the job you have hired us to do.
We will endeavor to take all reasonable steps to keep secure from unauthorized access any information we hold about you. We are scanned quarterly by Security Metrics to ensure we meet all requirements for security. Unfortunately, no data can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, so we cannot provide absolute assurance the information you provide to us will be secure at all times. We will not be held responsible for events or damages arising from unauthorized access to your personal information.
How you might instruct us in the use of such information
You can communicate with us via e mail at the address shown on our website or by calling our office directly. You may also log on to change your information at any time.
We use appropriate commercially available anti-virus software to ensure that this Web site does not contain or carry viruses. However, due to the rapidly developing nature of viruses and the Internet we strongly recommend that you employ commercially available anti-virus software when accessing our site. We make no warranty that our site or e-mail is free from such viruses.
Links to Other Sites
You may link from our site to other sites operated by our business partners or other third parties. This should not be interpreted as our endorsement of such sites. We make no representations or warranties concerning any site you may access from our site. Any such other site is independent of us and we have no control over, or responsibility to you, for its data or activities. Your communication or interaction with any other site which you may have accessed from our site will be taken at your own risk and shall be deemed independent of your relationship with us.
Applicable Law
By visiting this site you agree that the laws of the State of California will govern these Conditions of Use and also any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and us or any of our affiliates, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. Venue for any dispute shall be Riverside County or Los Angeles County, California.